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Louisiana Colonial Trails

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Avoyelles Parish
Visit the Louisiana 4-H Club museum in Mansura, Louisiana, and learn of the corn club and where the 4-H Club had it's beginnings.
Retrace the trail that a free man of color, Solomon Northup, traveled from freedom to slavery, see the Epps House where he spent much of his time and visit the courthouse where he was freed once again. "Twelve Years a Slave, 1841-1853"

Rapides Parish
On the banks of the Bayou Rapides sits historic Kent House. Completed in 1800, it was once part a 500 acre land grant - plantation. It mysteriously survived the fire that destroyed Alexandria during the Civil War and today visitors can step back in time and feel what it must have been like to live over 200 years ago.
St. Francis Xavier Cathedral is also an echo of the 1800's. It's humble beginnings as a small chapel erected in 1817. Don't miss this historic jewel located in Alexandria

Natchitoches Parish
The oldest settlement in Louisiana. You'll want to visit the 1732 French Fort St. Jean Baptiste replica and wander the streets when will have an opportunity to sample a famous Matchitoches meat pie.
Being the oldest community in the entire Louisiana Purchase has this parish is steeped in history and traditions that date back to 1714. It has been under the rule of the Spanish and French flags, but on April 20, 1804 the Stars & Sripes were flown.
LaSalle Parish
White Sulphur Springs were discovered in 1830 by Joseph P. Ward on his way from Georgia to Texas. He toook one drink of the cool clear spring he was camped by and buile a resort area, nationally popular in the 1830's, 40's & 50's.
Justiss Oil is part of the history of LaSalle's oil boom. From humble beginnings in the 1920's the Justiss family has become a household name in the oil industry and LaSalle since the 1946. Many of the oil drilling units seen along Hwys 8 & 84 belong to Justiss Oil.

A chance for a quick education, a Rawhide Fight. a burned down school, and the Glass Window Cemetary is just parts of the picture that makes up the legend of how the school burned down.
Vernon Parish is and area steeped in a history rich in notorious desperados, like the Murrell Gang. There are treasure tunnels, escape tunnels.
The land is rugged and home or hide-a-way of rugged men. But also the home to many respected law abiding citizens.

Catahoula Parish
"Catahoula" is a Choctaw Indian word "Okkattahoula" meaning "beautiful clear water". Perhaps because Catahoula abounds in clear lakes and creeks.
The area is called Four Rivers because it has the Little, Tensas, Quachita rivers that empty into the Black River, all at almost the same spot. You can see the convergence from atop the river bridge. It's an awe inspiring sight.
While in the area, visit the Great Mound. It was the tallest mound in Louisiana and the second tallest in North America. Follow the Quachita River as it winds from it's mouth in Jonesville to the Arkansas border and meanders through the oldest earthern mounds in North America. (Older even than Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids of Egypt!)
Concordia Parish
Home of the famous Haney's Big House, haunt of the legendary B.B. King and Jerry Lee Lewis. You name it...blues, jazz, big band, rock-n-roll, boogie-woogie...they all had their place at Haney's Big House.
Ferriday is were you'll find the Delta Music Museum, Preserving the history of music along the Mississippi River Delta - from Memphis to New Orleans the story lives on.
Ferriday is also home to Jerry Lee Lewis, Mickey Gilley and Jimmy Swaggart.
Be sure an catch the Delta Music Festiva - the 1st Saturday in April.
Old Man River - the mighty Mississippi flows past the city of Vidalia. Visit the visitors center on the banks of the river. Sit for awhile and you can almost feel it's mighty tug...and don't miss the Jim Bowie Festival the last week of September.

Grant Parish
From indian relics of pottery and arrowheads and to civil war relics. This parish holds some interesting finds for the everyday treasure hunter.
Visit the court house in Colfax where the Colfax riot very nearly led to a State civil war in 1872.
Also of interest to history buffs is the 1719 French trading post where Montgomery is located.
Also of note is the 1882 excavation of a fossilized whale thought to be 40 million years old.

Winn Parish
Full of a colorful history of formidable outlaws, John West & Laws Kimbrell - Confederate Army veterans meaner than Frank and Jesse James...Kimbrell's store was a hide-a-way for the James boys.
700 acres of winding creeks, caves and tunnels, steeped in mystery and legend, uninhabited Coochie Brake was a hideout for the West & Kimbrell Clan and a voodoo-ed rock called Lying Horse, legends of Spanish gold and silver, trees that grow astronomically large. A place full of Nature's scenic treasure.

Sabine Parish
Home of the Rio de Sabina (River of Cypress), the kidnapped women of Sabine.
The river flows into famous and beautiful Toledo Bend - the largest man made lake in the Southern US.
Dogtrot houses and the Battle of Pleasant Hill are just a few of the interesting stories that Sabine Parish has to tell.